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Product Overview
Product Content
Advanced Set-Up
Update History
Product Overview
Version: 1.04
Last Update: 05-15-2012
Permissions: Modify/Copy/No Transfer
Objects: 2
Land Impact:
- FX FOLLOW Ai100: 9
- Controller: 4
Product Content
The FX_FOLLOW_Ai100 is an Avatar following light effect.
- 8 Different Colors.
- 2 Different Beams.
- 3 Animation Rotation Modes.
- 4 Flash modes and Flash Off.
- 4 Beam Sizes.
- 3 Programs, Random Colors, Random All, Color In Order and Program Off.
- 3 Follow Modes, Random Avatar, Same Avatar, Follow In Order and Follow Off.
- 4 FX Name Slots to enter Avatars manually (TextBox).
- Adjustable Transparancy, Glow, Timer, Following settings etc. (see: ADVANCED SET-UP).
When the FX_FOLLOW_Ai100 Body Prim is pressed by the owner, a menu will appear with the following options:
- RESET: Resets your FX_FOLLOW to the original settings and Advanced Set-Up entries.
- SET 1, 2, 3: You can create up to 3 groups of FX_FOLLOWs. Default is Set 1.
- FX 1, 2, 3, 4: You can assign FX_FOLLOWs up to 4 FX Name Slots. Default is FX 1.
- LOAD DATA: Loads the Body Prim Description Box entries (see: ADVANCED SET-UP).
- Exit Menu: To exit the menu the correct way.
The Controller has 45 buttons:
- The Controller has 45 buttons:
- ON: The last known Program/State will be started.
- OFF: Turns both the FX_FOLLOW and Controller off.
- 1, 2, 3: To access FX_FOLLOWs who are assigned to SET 1, SET 2 or SET 3.
- FLASH OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4: Starts/Stops the FX_FOLLOW Flash Mode.
- ANIM ROT 1, 2, 3: Starts the FX_FOLLOW Animation Rotation Mode.
- COLORS: FX_FOLLOW Colors are: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange, magenta and white.
- SIZE 1, 2, 3, 4: Changes Beam Sizes.
- P OFF: Stops the Random/In Order Programs.
- RANDOM COL: Starts the Change Random Colors Program.
- RANDOM ALL: Starts the Change Random All Program. All modes Random combined.
- IN ORDER COL: Starts the Change Color In Order Program.
- F OFF: Stops the Random/In Order Follow Mode.
- RANDOM AVA: Starts the Follow Random Avatar Mode.
- SAME AVA: Starts the Follow Same Avatar Mode.
- IN ORDER AVA: Starts the Follow Avatar In Order Mode.
- FX NAME 1, 2, 3, 4: Press will bring up a TextBox where Avatar Names can be entered. *
* 4 Different FX Names can be used per Set. One Name per FX_FOLLOW at the same time.
- Owner, Group, All: Makes the Controller accessible for Owner, Group and All. Default is Group.
- RESET: To restore the controllers default settings.
- Update: To check for product updates. * Can take up to 20 seconds before you'll recieve a response.
Advanced Set-Up
There are a couple of settings that can be adjusted by changing the values in the FX_FOLLOW Body Prims Description Field.
These settings in order are:
- Beam Transparancy: Range from 0.0 (clear) to 1.0 (solid). Default is 0.3.
- Beam Glow: Range from 0.0 (no glow) to 1.0 (full glow). Default is 0.1.
- Random/In Order Program Timer: Range from 5.0 Seconds - Endless. Default is 10 Seconds.
- Custom Beam Sizes: Fill in the Z-Axis (length) value. No need to change length manually.
- Switch Follow Timer: The time to switch between Avatars. Default is 10 Seconds. *
- Refresh Follow Timer: The time to update position of Avatars. Default is 1 Seconds. **
- Follow Range: Range in meters to scan for Avatars, Default is 45 meter.
- Beam Position Vertical OffSet: Vertical Offset, Default is 0.6 meter.
- Burst Prim Transparancy amount: Light Burst Prim transparancy, Default is 0.5. * Switch Follow Timer: Times lower than 5.0 seconds will be ignored.
** Refresh Follow Timer: Low Times (like 0.2) can cause lag if more FX Follows are active.
- Transparancy, Glow, Random Timer, Custom Beam Size, Switch, Refresh, Follow Range, Beam Position, Burst Light Prim Transparancy (Values are separated by commas).
- 0.3, 0.1, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0, 1.0, 45.0, 0.6, 0.5
To Reset the Object Description Field press Body Prim and choose "RESET". All entries will be lost. Changes will be confirmed.
Update History
VERSION: 1.04, 05-15-2012
- FIXED: Top prim visibility.
To the top.